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Dansker & Aspromonte Associates LLP Are Experienced &
Successful New York Serious Injury Lawyers with
Results Exceeding $750 Million
In New York City, pedestrians are literally everywhere. Tourists and locals alike cause congestion in our streets and on our sidewalks, and this constant foot traffic can pose challenges to drivers and pedestrians alike.
With so many vehicles and people in the same place at all hours of the day, it is no surprise that so many accidents happen. If you are injured, you need a pedestrian accident attorney in New York to help with your claim.
For a free legal consultation with a pedestrian accident lawyer in New York, call us today at (212) 732-2929.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each year, pedestrian accidents result in over 7,000 injuries and 4,500 deaths. While there may be multiple contributing factors, there are some situations that cause more pedestrian accidents than others, including:
If you were hit by a car, a New York pedestrian accident attorney can evaluate your case to understand what caused it. If the driver was at fault, you deserve to be compensated for your injuries and any other damage that you may have sustained from the motor vehicle accident.
Any type of collision with a truck or other large motor vehicle can lead to catastrophic injuries, including spinal cord damage and paralysis. But an attorney who helps truck accident victims can secure maximum compensation for their damages. Insurance providers may try to deny your claim or offer a low settlement, but we demand justice for your injuries.
In car vs. pedestrian collisions, severe pedestrians injuries are possible.. You have no way to protect yourself against a 3,000-pound machine that is barreling your direction, and you are at the mercy of the operator. As a result, your damages can be severe.
Some of the most common injuries our lawyers see include:
Unfortunately, based on your query, we are unable to assist you at this time. Our firm specializes in serious accidents and negligence cases, such as car accidents, slips and falls, construction accidents, and other accidents that require hospitalization or ongoing treatment.
Not only do these injuries cause extensive pain, suffering, and physical damage, but they also cause staggering medical expenses. A brain injury lawyer can file a personal injury lawsuit to help you manage the burden of your injuries and hold the negligent party liable for their careless behavior.
Yes, the pedestrian can be at fault in a collision with a vehicle. Some common reasons this happens include their actions while they are under the influence of drugs and alcohol or their failure to follow the rules of the road.. This would be the case if a pedestrian were to dart out in front of a car while they were jaywalking, or a pedestrian who failed to notice a danger that was open and obvious. Even if a pedestrian’s actions were partly to blame for an accident however, he or she may still be able to recover substantial compensation.
The duty of care laws that pertain to drivers also apply to negligent pedestrians. If a pedestrian’s careless actions lead to an accident and cause injuries to another party, the pedestrian may share liability for any legal damages.
If you are unsure who is responsible for your accident injuries, review your claim with an experienced car accident attorney.
If the pedestrian was acting in a reasonable manner when struck by a commercial truck, numerous parties may be liable for the accident.
They may include the:
Since so many different parties may have contributed to the accident, pedestrians should review their case with a skilled motor vehicle accident lawyer as soon as possible.
According to N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 1411, the state of New York has pure comparative negligence laws. This means that even if you are found to be substantially at fault, you still have the right to recover compensation.
If you were struck by a vehicle and suffered injuries, you may be able to recover damages, even if you weren’t in a crosswalk. The law requires that drivers yield to pedestrians and always look for hazards on the roadway, including pedestrians who don’t cross within a painted crosswalk.
If you were walking across the street in plain view and you were struck by a vehicle, the driver may be held liable. Pedestrian accidents which occur within a painted crosswalk however create strong inferences of fault by a vehicle operator.
Every case is different, and each set of facts needs to be analyzed with regard to the specific circumstances of the accident. A New York pedestrian accident attorney could gather evidence to prove liability to get you the maximum compensation possible.
If you were struck by a vehicle and suffered injuries, you may be able to recover damages, even if you weren’t in a crosswalk. The law requires that drivers yield to pedestrians and always look for hazards on the roadway, including people on foot.
If you were walking across the street in plain view and you were struck by a vehicle, the driver would almost always be found responsible, even if you were nowhere near the crosswalk.
Every case is different, and each set of facts needs to be analyzed with regard to the specific circumstances of the accident. A New York pedestrian accident attorney could gather evidence to prove liability to get you the maximum compensation possible.
Property owners must keep their premises safe for anyone who might enter. Therefore, if a pedestrian slips, trips, or falls while walking on a pathway, they may hold the property owner liable for their damages. If this happened to you, a premises liability lawyer can help you seek justice for your injuries.
If a motorcyclist collides with a pedestrian, a motorcycle accident lawyer can evaluate the collision to determine fault. The motorcyclist may be liable if they acted carelessly to cause the crash, such as driving while intoxicated. However, if the pedestrian ran out in front of traffic or failed to use a crosswalk, they may share liability for the accident.
Navigating the claim and determining fault in these scenarios is complex. But with a skilled legal professional in your corner, you can feel confident that the liable party will be held accountable for their negligence.
We’re proud to have helped clients navigate personal injury cases of all kinds, from car and construction accidents to cases involving wrongful death and serious injuries.
Call or text (212) 732-2929 or complete a free case evaluation form to get started.
A four-year-old boy was brought to the hospital for a routine eyelid repair. To cut costs, the hospital contracted out its anesthesia services to a third-party corporation.
This accident occurred in the Bronx when our client was working on a sanitation truck. The driver lost control while making a turn. Our client was ejected and the truck ran over his leg.
A 22-year-old theater intern was walking across the intersection of 42nd Street and Ninth Avenue in Manhattan when she was struck by the rear door of a passing truck which had flown open because it had been improperly secured by the driver.
A 35-year-old New York City Police officer was admitted to Jacobi Hospital with head and limb injuries after a collision.
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Pedestrian Accidents
Pedestrian Accidents
Pedestrian Accidents
Pedestrian Accidents
We serve clients throughout the New York City Metropolitan area, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, Staten Island,
and Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Contact us for help today.