1 killed, 2 injured as car slams into Queens auto-body shop
One person was killed and another two were injured when a car crashed into an auto-body shop in Queens last week. According to police, two vehicles were proceeding down 126th Street when one vehicle “clipped” the other, sending it careening into New Pamir Auto Body Shop. A 33-year-old man who was standing outside the shop was […]
More than 2 dozen died at work from intentional harm in 2012
When we write about workplace deaths on our blog, most of the time, these deaths are accidents. Construction workers are often prone to suffer a fatal workplace accident, but they are not the only ones who lose their lives on the job. In fact, according to statistics, last year there were 26 people in New York […]
If a Loved One Was Injured, and Then Passed Away Long After Their Injuries, Is That Considered a Wrongful Death?

Many individuals may think that there are only grounds for a wrongful death case when someone dies due to the actions of another, such as immediately after a car crash, or while on the operating table due to a surgeon’s negligence. However, there are actually cases where someone may not pass away for quite some time after […]
Loved one killed in an accident and don’t know where to turn?

When a loved one dies due to unfortunate circumstances, and grief overwhelms you, it is a good assumption that you are not thinking about lawyers and lawsuits. But when you do get a chance to sit and think about what to do next, and how you will survive, you may want to consider contacting a New […]
What Rights Do You Have When A Doctor’s Negligence Causes More Injuries Or Even Death?
Recent headlines regarding the treatment of Joan Rivers in the hospital, as well as the factors that may have contributed to her death have many in NY thinking about the risks one takes when you go into a doctor’s office or hospital. You are placing yourself in the hands of the doctors and surgeons, but […]