New York Personal Injury Lawyers

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Controversy continues regarding trucking accidents in New York

Many people around the country and especially in NYC have been following the news story regarding the Wal-Mart truck that hit actor and comedian Tracy Morgan and others, leaving Morgan seriously injured and causing the death of one of his friends. In the latest update to this story, both Morgan and many others were shocked […]

Trucking Accidents in New York and How a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

The shocking news involving the death of one comedian and the serious injuries of actor and comedian Tracy Morgan has been a source of much discussion lately, especially when it was revealed that the driver of the truck that caused the accident had allegedly not slept for over 24 hours. The accident highlights trucking safety […]

Disabled truck leads to confusion, pileup; 1 person killed

The difficult winter we’ve all experienced here in New York has had wide-ranging impacts. One of the most noticeable is that road conditions have been quite poor throughout the Northeast and much of the country this winter. Aside from cars and passenger trucks slipping and sliding, larger vehicles have more trouble getting started and staying […]

Who Is at Fault When a Truck Causes a Multiple Car Pileup?

If a commercial vehicle was the cause of a multi-car or multi-vehicle pileup, is the truck driver always to blame? Probably, but there may be others at fault. Determining liability is critical if you weren’t at fault and you want to hold the responsible parties accountable. In New York, factors like poor road conditions, texting […]

Causes of Truck Accidents

Due to the sheer size and weight of trucks, tractor-trailers and semis, motor vehicle accidents involving them are generally very serious and lead to catastrophic injuries. Truck accident cases are often complex as there can be more than one negligent party. That is why it is so critical to seek out only the most skilled and effective New […]