New York Personal Injury Lawyers

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Winter Walking & Injury Prevention: Tips to Avoid Slip & Fall Injuries

Everyone seems to love Autumn, the crisp mornings, apple picking, pumpkin decoration, and delicious seasonal squash soups. The weather is favorable, not too cold or hot, with a warm shining sun to protect you from the descending temperatures. The fall seems like the perfect distraction to what lays right around the corner, what many consider […]

What is a Premises Liability Case in New York?

If you’re familiar with the phrase “premises liability” at all, it probably brings to mind a lawsuit against a store where someone slipped in a spilled fountain drink or an action against a neighbor whose unsalted porch resulted in a nasty fall over the winter. While slip and fall cases represent one common type of […]

‘Tis the Season for Slip and Fall Injuries in New York

Slip & Fall on Snow & Ice

By Dansker & AspromonteNovember 28, 2016 The arrival of winter in New York City means many things: glittering lights, ice skating at Rockefeller Center, Christmas shopping, holiday shows…and increased dangers as ice and snow turn sidewalks and city streets hazardous and the danger of falling ice arises. Of course, both car accidents and slip and fall […]