New York Personal Injury Lawyers

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How Does Pain and Suffering Affect My Compensation Judgment?

The very act of being injured is traumatic. Depending on the severity of the injury, the person can experience mental and emotional anguish on top of the physical pain that can often be long-lasting. In the legal world, such pain and suffering can be compensated for if the injury was due to the omission or […]

Signs You’ve Had a Concussion

Each year it is estimated that between 1.6-3.8 million people in the United States get a concussion. Most of these come from accidents like slips and falls or repeated trauma, like youth and professional sports. Recently there has been heightened awareness about the signs, possible effects, and what to do if you were the victim […]

Has lead paint put your health or the health of a loved one at risk?

Everyone in New York City knows that lead paint can be dangerous and pose health problems, especially when children accidentally ingest materials that contain lead paint, as was often the unfortunate case many years ago when lead paint was abundant throughout the city. Lead paint is not nearly in use as much anymore, but it […]

How Long Do You Have to File a Wrongful Death Suit?

NYC personal injury attorneys have the answers you need. When a loved one passes away, either due to a tragic accident or other incident that resulted in severe injuries and/or death, it can be hard to focus on anything but mourning and then eventually attempting to return to a normal life. This task can be […]

How Can You Find the Best New York City Personal Injury Attorney?

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident in New York City, then you might have considered retaining the services of a New York City personal injury attorney. But there are seemingly thousands to choose from, so how do you know which one is one of the best? There are several […]

In a Dangerous World, Injury Compensation May Be Due to Inadequate Security

There is no doubt, the world is becoming a more dangerous place and New York City is no exception. People who rent apartments in the city expect, and are entitled to, a certain amount of security from their landlords. Residents should be able to go to and from work and school and children should be […]

How Does Pain and Suffering Affect My Compensation Judgment?

The very act of being injured is traumatic. Depending on the severity of the injury, the person can experience mental and emotional anguish on top of the physical pain that can often be long-lasting. In the legal world, such pain and suffering can be compensated for if the injury was due to the omission or […]