Choosing the Right New York Personal Injury Lawyers
When you’ve been injured in an accident, have lost a loved one due to someone else’s negligence or find yourself the victim of New York dental malpractice or medical malpractice, finding the right attorneys matters. Unfortunately, many people don’t know what to look for in a lawyer. In addition, making good, reasoned decisions can be […]
Could Social Media Kill Your Personal Injury Claim?
By Dansker & AspromonteSeptember 29, 2016 You’ve undoubtedly heard stories about criminals arrested after posting pictures of their loot on Facebook, or read about those parents who had some explaining to do after posting a video of their child duct taped to the wall. If you’re like many Americans, you may have read these stories with […]
Personal Injury Timeline

By Dansker & AspromonteSeptember 19, 2016 Generally, a personal injury lawsuit timeline begins the moment the injury takes place, whether that’s a car accident, a slip on the ice in the grocery store parking lot, a construction accident, or any injury you suffer because of someone else’s negligence. Obviously, you have no control over when […]
Avoid Personal Injury: Tips for Safe Driving
Avoid Personal Injury by Driving Safely Despite technological improvements that have made cars safer, accident numbers across the country are continuing to rise. In 2014, there were over 299,400 car crashes in the state of New York, and nearly 40% of them resulted in personal injuries. 1,026 people lost their lives in those crashes, and […]
When Homeowners Insurance Denies Your Injury Claim, You Need to Contact a New York Personal Injury Attorney
Homeowners’ insurance covers many incidences that can cause damage to a home, such as fire, earthquakes, and other property damage. Homeowners’ insurance also covers injuries suffered by individuals on your property. However, sometimes your insurance company may choose to deny your claim for a variety of reasons, and if this happens, you may feel as […]
What To Do After a House Fire
Experiencing a house fire is a traumatic experience. After dealing with the devastation there may be unexpected snafus, in order to make the transition and recovery period as easy as possible it is important to understand the immediate things to do after a house fire and details related to property damage or personal injury. Whether the fire […]
Have You Suffered a Back Injury?

Your back is one of the most crucial parts of your body. You use it for stability in nearly every movement you make. When it’s been injured you feel the pain almost constantly as even the smallest movement may trigger muscle spasms. Further, back injuries can be among the slowest types of injury to heal. If your […]
Destruction of Evidence Can Destroy Your Personal Injury Case
By Dansker & AspromonteDecember 31, 2016 “Spoliation of evidence” may sound complicated and technical, but the concept is straightforward and very important for anyone involved in a personal injury case in New York. In simplest terms, “spoliation of evidence” means destroying or failing to preserve evidence. The consequences can be serious, whether you are the plaintiff […]
Scarring and disfigurement can alter your life forever. You have a right to compensation for changes made to your lifestyle.

Suffering a major injury due to an accident is often a traumatic experience. The trauma is compounded when an injury leaves behind scarring and/or disfigurement, especially when the scarring is in a visible area such as the face, neck or hands. Such an event can be both psychologically and emotionally harmful, and can also take a toll […]
Does a Liability Waiver Mean You Can’t Recover for Your Injuries in New York?

By Dansker & AspromonteNovember 07, 2016 Liability waivers have become so common that many people sign them without even reading them or thinking about the ramifications of waiving claims. Waivers are sent home before school field trips, presented when you sign up for a gym membership, included in a pile of other paperwork when you […]