Working With a Personal Injury Lawyer in NYC
When you’ve been injured in a car accident, suffered a workplace injury, or otherwise been hurt because someone else was negligent, your world can shift in an instant. You may find yourself coping with chronic pain or long-term disability, temporary or permanent loss of income, and a wide range of other problems. In the aftermath […]
7 Things You Should Know about Personal Injury Cases in New York
If you’ve never suffered a serious injury, you may have given little thought to personal injury law. However, injuries happen unexpectedly, and what you do in the immediate aftermath can have a significant impact on your future. Before filing a personal injury lawsuit in New York, here’s what you should know about New York personal injury […]
Choosing the Right NYC Personal Injury Attorney
Serious injuries are a rare occurrence in most people’s lives. That’s good, but it also means that when a car accident, work injury, or other traumatic event occurs, most people don’t know what to do next or where to turn for help. An NYC personal injury attorney can be an injury victim’s best resource during […]
Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit in New York
Have you been injured in a car accident, due to the fault of another? Slipped and fallen on the wet floor of a local business? Been harmed by another party’s negligence? Then you may be wondering how to go about filing a personal injury lawsuit, to recover damages such as medical expenses, lost wages, and […]
Choosing the Right NY Personal Injury Lawyer for Your Claim
No one expects to be in an accident that causes injury. However, the reality is that such accidents do happen throughout New York and they can cause a great deal of monetary expense as well as pain and suffering, both of which can drastically reduce your quality of life. If the injury causing accident you […]
Sports Injuries from Youth to Professional Sports: The Importance of Protecting One’s Head
According to statistics released by the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, in 2009, nearly 447,000 sports-related head injuries were treated in hospital emergency rooms in the United States. This figure indicated an increase of almost 95,000 sports-related head injuries from 2008. Substantial increases in head injuries were noted in water sports, cycling, baseball, and basketball. […]
Does Signing a Waiver Mean You Cannot File a Lawsuit for Personal Injury?
It seems like practically everywhere you go you are being handed a waiver of liability to sign from people, locations and businesses trying to protect their interests. Most people sign such waivers out of pure habit without giving any thought to what rights they may be forfeiting. Still others believe that if they experience some […]
Personal Injury Law: Do You Have a Case?
By Dansker & AspromonteFebruary 14, 2016 After any type of an injury, there is often someone, or something, to blame. Some injuries are purely accidental, where no one is really to blame, but the vast majority are due to someone’s negligence at some level. So what are you to do if you ended up injured to […]
Frequent Tourist Accidents in NYC
If you are a fan of urban legends or myth busters, you may be familiar with the age old question “can a penny falling from the empire state building kill you?” Fortunately for all of us tourists this myth was debunked, but that does not mean that there are unsuspecting dangers looming for those interesting […]
Is a Bone Fracture Worth Suing For? NYC Bone Fracture Attorneys Say a Small Fracture Can Be a Big Deal.

Bone fractures are a very common injury suffered by hundreds of thousands each day. A number of accidents can easily cause a bone fracture, from a slip and fall to an automobile accident to simply stubbing your toe on a piece of furniture. Sometimes a bone fracture is simply our own fault, but other times it […]