New York Personal Injury Lawyers

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Did a loved one die in a car accident?

When an unfortunate tragedy occurs and a loved one has died in or as a result of a car accident, it is highly unlikely that you are thinking of filing a wrongful death lawsuit against the person or persons responsible. But after suitable time has passed to allow you to begin to think rationally and […]

How Much Compensation Do You Deserve After an Accident?

When you are involved in a car accident, it is fairly common that you will soon be negotiating with insurance company claims adjusters in order to receive fair compensation for damages. If any injuries have been sustained, then you will definitely want to receive a fair settlement for medical expenses, both present and future, as […]

Was speed a factor in your accident?

New York City has a stigma attached to it, which is essentially the belief that all NYC drivers drive crazily through Manhattan’s crowded streets. While newcomers to driving in the city may in fact find it a little frightening at first, there is actually a somewhat organized manner to the way people drive in the city. Of […]

Five Things You Must Do Immediately After an Automobile Accident

Immediately following an automobile accident, it is understandable that you are shaken and upset. If you are injured, chances are you are more concerned about your injuries than anything else. However, according to top NYC serious injury lawyers. It is important to remember that there are five things you should always do right after being […]

Automobile Practice Center

Auto accidents have many causes: Distracted drivers, drunk driving, dangerous weather and even the lack of road maintenance. No matter what the cause, the impact can be devastating. Contact our firm today for a consultation and evaluation of your case with a lawyer. Learn More About Auto Accidents in New York If you have been […]

What Are Your Rights After a Traffic Accident?

Being involved in a traffic accident is confusing, stressful, and scary, and you might not be thinking properly for a while as you deal with the shock and trauma, especially if you have suffered injuries. However, it is important to know and be aware of your rights as a victim in an accident, and what […]

Accidents Can Happen to Anyone, Anywhere – Even When Casually Dining in a Restaurant

Imagine sitting in a fine restaurant, enjoying a casual meal with friends, family or a loved one. Such a peaceful setting doesn’t seem like there might be cause for alarm. But several diners in a New York restaurant recently weren’t expecting any danger either, when a tractor-trailer crashed into the establishment, causing several injuries and […]

Car accident claims might be settled quickly in the future

When two vehicles are involved in a car accident, it’s likely that the occupants of one vehicle will have a different version of events than the occupants of the other vehicle. This is especially true when one party or the other has been injured in the motor vehicle crash — nobody wants to be held […]

Getting Compensation for Auto Accident Injuries

Getting Compensation for Auto Accident Injuries It’s important that you consult with a personal injury lawyer when you have been in an auto accident in NYC. The attorneys at Dansker & Aspromonte Associates LLP can be consulted in this matter. We have the knowledge and experience to help you win compensation to cover your medical […]

FAQs for Motor Vehicle Accidents

Questions Commonly Asked Regarding Motor Vehicle Accidents Q: I was recently in an auto accident, should I go to the hospital? A: In the event you are injured in an automobile accident, it’s important that you go to the hospital immediately. This is important for two reasons: to make sure that you are alright and […]