New York Personal Injury Lawyers

Protecting Workers: Exploring Liability for Struck-By Injuries in Construction Zones

Understanding Struck-By Hazards in Construction Zones Definition and Types of Struck-By Injuries Struck-by injuries in construction zones are a critical safety concern, encompassing a range of incidents where workers are hit by moving objects or equipment. These injuries can occur when an object falls from a height, when the debris is propelled through the air, […]

Were You Bitten By A Dog? Who Is Liable For Your Injuries?

Manhattan residents love their dogs, and the city streets are often filled with thousands of the furry creatures each day as they are walked and paraded about. However, not every dog has a wonderful temperament, and it only takes one unfortunate incident for a Manhattan resident to cross paths with a dog in a bad […]

Would Genetic Tests, Like Angelina Jolie’s, Cut Down On Med Mal?

We have no doubt that many of our readers read Angelina Jolie’s Op-Ed piece in The New York Times last week. It was one of the newspaper’s most-read articles for several days and caused quite a splash, earning mentions in tabloids and gossip magazines.In that article, the Academy Award-winning actress revealed that she had had […]

Were You In An Accident Caused By A Negligent Truck Driver?

There were many questions regarding who exactly was at fault in the truck accident that injured comedian Tracy Morgan last year. Was it the fault of the driver, who had apparently been driving for an extended period of time without proper rest? Or was it the fault of the driver’s employer, Wal-Mart, who allegedly pressured […]

Who Is Responsible for Dog Attacks?

Dogs are lovable and loyal but can become dangerous if not trained properly or treated poorly. Unfortunately, dog attacks are becoming increasingly common occurrences, which can result in serious injuries or even death. When a dog attacks, there are often legal questions over who is responsible for the attack. In this blog post, we will discuss who […]

Study: Hospitals Actually Profit From Surgical Errors

We came across a rather alarming story in the New York Times last week that we wanted to call your attention to. The story concerned a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. That study found that hospitals actually wind up profiting economically from surgical mistakes because insurance companies pay for […]

How Do You Know if You Should Hire a Personal Injury Attorney in NY?

When you are injured in the city of New York, you may have grounds for a lawsuit and the right to receive compensation, depending upon the circumstances of your injuries. There are many cases in which your injuries or those suffered by a loved one could have been prevented or are the result of someone […]

New York Doctor and Lawyer Envision Medical Malpractice Database

At a recent panel discussion at New York Law School, a problem concerning medical care was discussed. As the system exists now, it was said, doctors are not using a simple means of improving medical care. They are not learning from the mistakes of other doctors. The medical industry has been reluctant to shine a […]

What You Should Know About Child Care Negligence

We entrust our children with the care of child care providers, believing that they are capable of taking care of our kids and ensuring their safety. Unfortunately, child care negligence is all too common, leaving children hurt and parents feeling helpless. From physical abuse to neglect, this blog post will explore what child care negligence […]

Explaining Damages in a Child Injury Case

  When a child is injured due to another’s negligence or recklessness, it can be an extremely traumatic and challenging time for both the child and the family. This is why it’s important to understand the different types of damages that may be available in order to seek justice and financial compensation for what happened. […]

Maria, a housekeeper, was fatally injured when she was struck by a school bus in Brooklyn. She was thrown over 25 feet, suffering life-ending injuries. This case illustrates the firm's ability to pursue justice in severe pedestrian accident cases resulting in fatalities.
Our client, a NYC Parks Department employee, was preparing his truck to spread salt on Staten Island's roads during a snowy night. Tragically, he was struck and killed, underscoring the firm's experience with fatal vehicle accidents involving workplace and road safety.
A 21-year-old developmentally disabled young man was fatally struck by a City bus while walking with friends after school. This wrongful death case demonstrates the firm’s commitment to securing justice in fatal pedestrian and vehicle collision cases.
In one of the most tragic cases handled by the firm, two mothers and their four teenagers were driving to a high school swimming meet when the vehicle had a suspected flat tire. The mother stopped the van in the moving lane, resulting in a fatal accident. This high-profile case highlights the firm's ability to handle complex, fatal freeway accidents.
This tragic accident occurred when our client, a sanitation worker, was ejected from his truck in the Bronx after the driver lost control. He was fatally injured when the truck ran over his leg. This case demonstrates the firm's experience with wrongful death claims involving vehicles.
Un trabajador de construcción de 50 años estaba montando su bicicleta cuando cayó debido a un defecto en la carretera y sufrió pequeñas fracturas y daños cognitivos leves.
Un trabajador de mantenimiento de 31 años golpeó un sensor de presión de control de tráfico de la ciudad de Nueva York mientras montaba su bicicleta. Debido a un mal mantenimiento del sensor, el trabajador sufrió lesiones graves.
Una mujer y su novio estaban andando en bicicleta cuando entraron en un sitio de excavación sin protección en una zona completamente oscura bajo un paso elevado. La bicicleta de Rhonda cayó en un pozo y su cara se estrelló contra la carretera.
Un repartidor en bicicleta de 26 años fue golpeado por una camioneta Dollar Rent-A- Car que iba a gran velocidad en una intersección concurrida, causando múltiples fracturas en el cuello, espalda, brazo y pierna, así como daños cerebrales leves.
Un recién nacido sufrió daño en los nervios y parálisis parcial del brazo izquierdo debido al uso de fuerza excesiva durante un parto complicado en el que debería haberse realizado una cesárea.
Una joven madre primeriza sufrió lesiones graves debido a la negligencia médica del personal en el Hospital Beekman Downtown, causando complicaciones durante el parto.
Un bombero de 42 años se cortó la pierna mientras luchaba contra un incendio. Aunque recibió tratamiento en la clínica, la falta de atención adecuada resultó en lesiones graves que afectaron su vida.
Un niño de 4 años sufrió daño cerebral severo después de una cirugía de párpados caídos. El hospital había contratado servicios de anestesia a una corporación que empleaba principalmente enfermeras anestesistas en lugar de médicos capacitados.
Un guardia de seguridad resbaló en una superficie helada frente a un edificio propiedad de Metropolitan Life, lo que le causó una fractura de rodilla.
Una asistente de salud en el hogar de 56 años tropezó con un cable expuesto que se extendía desde una cabina telefónica en la plataforma del metro, resultando en una lesión que requirió un reemplazo de rodilla.
Un conductor de servicio se bajó de su vehículo para recoger dinero en el carril de un Burger King cuando cayó a través de una rejilla de alcantarillado rota, resultando en una caída de 4 pies y lesiones significativas.
Un trabajador de construcción indocumentado cayó desde un andamio a 30 pies de altura, impactando contra el cemento y sufriendo lesiones graves. Este caso muestra la experiencia de la firma en caídas graves en el trabajo, que se relacionan con incidentes de resbalones y caídas en entornos peligrosos.
Un niño de 16 años fue atropellado por un camión que estaba retrocediendo lentamente y quedó atrapado contra una pared, sufriendo una grave laceración en el bazo, que tuvo que ser removido.
Un empleado del Departamento de Parques de Nueva York fue golpeado por un camión mientras preparaba su vehículo para esparcir sal en una carretera nevada en Staten Island, lo que resultó en su fallecimiento.
Dos madres y sus cuatro adolescentes estaban en camino a una competencia de natación cuando el vehículo en el que viajaban tuvo una falla en la llanta y fue detenido en un carril de tráfico, resultando en un trágico accidente en la autopista con un camión.
Una pasante de teatro de 22 años fue golpeada por la puerta trasera de un camión que se abrió repentinamente debido a una falla de seguridad del conductor mientras caminaba en la calle 42 y Novena Avenida en Manhattan, resultando en lesiones graves.
Un empleado del Departamento de Parques de Nueva York fue atropellado fatalmente por un camión mientras preparaba su vehículo para esparcir sal en una carretera nevada en Staten Island.
Un hombre de 49 años falleció al caer por el hueco de un ascensor cuando las puertas se abrieron sin que la cabina estuviera en el piso correcto. La familia recibió una compensación significativa por esta trágica pérdida.
En un caso trágico, dos madres y sus cuatro adolescentes se dirigían a una competencia de natación en la autopista New York State Thruway cuando su vehículo tuvo un fallo en la llanta. La conductora detuvo la camioneta en el carril de circulación, lo que resultó en un accidente fatal.
Este accidente ocurrió en el Bronx cuando Rafael C. estaba trabajando en un camión de saneamiento. El conductor perdió el control al girar el vehículo.
Una pasante de teatro de 22 años caminaba por la intersección de la calle 42 y la Novena Avenida en Manhattan cuando fue golpeada por la puerta trasera de un camión que pasaba cuando la puerta abrio volando porque no había sido asegurado correctamente por el conductor.Una pasante de teatro de 22 años caminaba por la intersección de la calle 42 y la Novena Avenida en Manhattan cuando fue golpeada por la puerta trasera de un camión que pasaba cuando la puerta abrio volando porque no había sido asegurado correctamente por el conductor.
En uno de los casos más trágicos que ha visto esta oficina, dos madres y sus cuatro adolescentes conducían a una reunión de natación de la escuela secundaria en el New York State Thruway en una camioneta.
Un bombero de 42 años, que antes había corrido más de 30 maratones, se cortó la pierna mientras luchaba contra un incendio.
Un Oficial de la Policía de la Ciudad de Nueva York de 35 años era una pasajera en un automóvil de la policía que iba a una llamada de emergencia.
An undocumented Mexican immigrant working on scaffolding at a construction site fell 30 feet onto the cement. He fractured his skull and vertebrae in his neck and back. It was shown at trial that the company he worked for failed to provide him with a safety line, which would have prevented his fall.
Julio, 16, was an outpatient at the Manhattan Children’s Psychiatric Hospital where he attended school and got psychiatric counseling and supportive therapy every day. The NYC Board of Ed operated the school. One day after school, Julio ran after his bus, which was leaving without him. He slipped and was run over by the back wheels, sustaining severe injuries, including bilateral hip fractures and a shearing injury to his buttocks. Board of Ed rules required that Julio was to be escorted to the bus. The NYCTA denied liability, claiming they weren’t negligent because Julio ran after the bus. The City denied liability because they claimed the school day was over. At trial, both the Board of Ed who had knowledge of Julio’s poor impulse control and was required to put him safely on the bus, and the NYCTA whose bus driver saw Julio running and made no effort to slow or stop the bus were found to be responsible.
Baby Taylor C. – Taylor’s mother had gained over 50 pounds during the pregnancy, was past due, and had a prolonged first stage and second stage of delivery. These are warning signs of an overly large baby. Baby Taylor was 9 lbs. 13 oz. Instead of delivery by C-section, which was clearly indicated, the attending physician elected a natural birth. When the baby was stuck in the pelvic area, excessive force was used to pull her out, injuring the nerves in her neck and causing partial paralysis of her left arm. The condition is known as Erbs Palsy. The case was settled during the trial. Fortunately, Baby Taylor’s injury improved over time.
Ayisha W- A young girl slid down a sliding pond in the playground of an NYC school. The slide was not installed properly and there was a gap between the metal on the side of the slide. As Ayisha slid down, her ring finger went into the gap and the top of it was cut off. The City argued that since it was just the tip of her finger it was not worth much money. At trial, it was proved that Ayisha had a devastating emotional reaction that affected every aspect of her life and self-esteem. The jury agreed.