The Rising Threat of Speeding in New York City

In recent years, New York City has witnessed a disturbing rise in traffic fatalities, with speeding emerging as a major contributing factor. The bustling streets of the city, already notorious for their congestion, have become even more perilous as drivers increasingly disregard speed limits, leading to tragic consequences. One particularly heartbreaking case involved a tanker […]
Slip and Fall, Toxic Exposure, and Property Liability

Whether you have been injured on a defective sidewalk, on a slippery surface at a store or due to faulty security, you may have a case. Our attorneys can help you understand your rights.There are various toxic substances that can be on a property that aren’t typically considered a hazard. For example, lead-based paint, asbestos […]
Brooklyn Amputee Sues Hospital for Medical Malpractice

There are risks associated with any kind of medical procedure, especially with major operations and surgeries. Before making the decision to schedule a surgery, doctors generally inform patients of the risks associated, including the likelihood of certain complications. But as any medical malpractice attorney in New York should know, even with this information, patients rarely have reason […]
Was your child injured in a NYC playground due to negligence?

As a parent, you know that you have a responsibility to care for your child’s welfare and to ensure that they are safe from harm. You probably also already know that children are especially prone to injury because they are constantly acting as if they are invincible, and placing themselves in potentially dangerous situations. You […]
Can I Sue the Other Driver for Negligence in a Car Accident?

After an auto accident, you may ask about damages to your vehicle, how they will get fixed, what your insurance will cover, and how you will recover from your injuries. But there is one critical question you need to ask to answer the others: why did the car accident occur?If another driver’s actions caused a collision, you […]
Three Steps You Need to Take If Your Child was Seriously Injured at a Playground in New York

Being informed that your child suffered a serious injury is a nightmare for every parents, especially when the injury is serious and debilitating. Unfortunately, child injuries are a common occurrence. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has reported that in one year alone more than 600,000 children suffered serious injuries while using playground equipment. Was this an anomaly? Unfortunately, […]
Who is Responsible for Injuries Caused by a Teen Driver?

According to teen driver facts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drivers in the 16-19 age group are the most dangerous people on the road. These teenage drivers are three times more likely to be involved in a fatal automobile accident as a driver who is over 20.If a driver who is 18 or […]
Reporting a Dog Bite in New York

Dogs may be your best friend, but they’re also the source of a lot of animal attacks. New York law allows people to seek damages when a dog attacks you or another animal you own, but to do that you have to report the attack.Reporting a dog bite in New York is a simple process, […]
Hazardous Substances on Properties

There are various toxic substances that can be on a property that aren’t typically considered a hazard. For example, lead-based paint, asbestos shingles, mold and fluids drained out of a vehicle’s motor. If you were visiting a property and were injured by a toxic substance, get in touch with the lawyers at Danker & Aspromonte […]
Was your child injured on a playground?

Children love the playground, and New York City certainly has their fair share of playgrounds to choose from. Often they are filled with plenty of children running around happily amongst the swings, jungle gyms and other playground apparatus. But sometimes you might spot a child crying, as a result of sustaining injuries while playing. This […]