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Family wins med mal case against hospital for baby’s untreated jaundice

By Dansker & Aspromonte

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A mother’s instincts can sometimes be more accurate than a medical provider’s diagnosis. After a New York woman gave birth to her son six years ago, she says that she was was quickly rushed out of the hospital. The woman expressed concern to the medical staff at the hospital about the yellowing of her newborn’s eyes. The staff reportedly dismissed the concern and sent the woman and her baby home without a proper examination or addressing her concerns.

Over the coming days, jaundice continued to set in, and it quickly became a medical emergency. After their baby began vomiting they returned to the hospital, where blood transfusions were performed to try to treat the jaundice.

It was already too late. The infant had suffered serious brain damage. Now, the boy is six years old, and needs constant supervision from a health care professional. The family sued Methodist Hospital in New York and was recently awarded $25 million by a jury in a medical malpractice lawsuit. The money will help with the child’s medical expenses, as he will need care 24 hours per day for the rest of his life.

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Although jaundice is common in infants, it must be treated quickly to avoid severe complications. The child in this case suffers from brain damage, isn’t able to move his arms or legs and cannot yet speak. Since the boy’s parents need to work, they must rely on professional care, which may easily cost millions of dollars over the course of their child’s lifetime.

If you believe that a doctor or hospital has been negligent in their treatment of your child or loved one, it may be beneficial to discuss your potential medical malpractice case with an attorney.

Source: New York Daily News, Disabled Brooklyn boy awarded $25 million in untreated jaundice case against New York Methodist Hospital, Doyle Murphy, Nov. 19, 2013

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