New York Personal Injury Lawyers

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New York Pedestrians at Risk of Injury

By Dansker & Aspromonte

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July 1, 2024

New York Van Jumps Curb and Strikes Pedestrians

As spring approaches, the weather warms and the days grow longer, more pedestrians and bicyclists take to New York streets. For most New Yorkers, getting out and walking is healthy and invigorating. However, for a surprising number, walking turns out to be hazardous. Pedestrians may be injured in a variety of ways, ranging from slipping or tripping on an untended sidewalk to falling debris, collisions with other pedestrians, or being struck by a bicyclist. However, motor vehicle accidents involving pedestrians are one of the most common causes of serious injury to New Yorkers traveling on foot.

New York Pedestrian Injuries

Each year, about 300 New York pedestrians are accidentally killed by motor vehicles. More than 3,000 are hospitalized, and more than 12,000 visit emergency rooms. Many pedestrians struck by cars and trucks are seriously injured, and the average hospital stay lasts for eight days and costs more than $65,000. Annually, injuries to pedestrians in New York traffic accidents result in nearly $200,000,000 in medical expenses.

Nearly 80% of accidents that kill or seriously injure pedestrians involve private vehicles. Only a small percentage of such accidents are attributable to buses, commercial trucks, or taxi cabs.  Though these accidents occur throughout the city, those occurring on major thoroughfares are more likely to be fatal than accidents on smaller side streets.

For a free legal consultation, call (212) 540-2984

New York Pedestrian Safety Initiatives

Over the past several years, New York officials have taken steps to improve pedestrian safety in the city. These measures include initiatives to re-engineer streets and intersections to make them safer, installation of 1,500 pedestrian countdown signals at intersections, and pilot programs involving reduced speed limits and improved visibility.

These programs have apparently seen some success. For example, between 2000 and 2014, the pedestrian-injury-related hospitalization rate dropped from 19.5/100,000 residents to 14.6/100,000 residents. Nonetheless, serious pedestrian injuries still occur regularly in New York, and recovery can be expensive and time-consuming.

A New York Pedestrian Accident Attorney Can Help

When a pedestrian is hit by a car or otherwise injured in a traffic accident, contacting an attorney may not be high on his or her list of things to do. That’s understandable and it is important that medical attention comes first. However, it’s also important that pedestrian accident victims realize that they may be entitled to compensation from the driver who injured them or a third party. That compensation can help to ease the burden of large medical bills, lost work time, the need for follow-up care and rehabilitation and other losses associated with the accident.

Click to contact our personal injury lawyers today

Talk to a New York Pedestrian Accident Lawyer as Soon as Possible

In most cases, you have up to three years to file a lawsuit for damages associated with a New York pedestrian injury. However, it is in your best interests to act quickly. Often, after a traffic accident, witnesses scatter without anyone having had the opportunity to gather contact information. Vehicles removed from the scene may be repaired or junked in a relatively short period of time. The sooner your pedestrian accident attorney gets involved, the easier it will be to gather evidence on your behalf and build a strong case.

Just call 212-540-2984 or fill out the contact form on this page to schedule a free consultation.

Call or text (212) 540-2984 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form

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Unfortunately, based on your query, we are unable to assist you at this time. Our firm specializes in serious accidents and negligence cases, such as car accidents, slips and falls, construction accidents, and other accidents that require hospitalization or ongoing treatment.

Proven Record of Success

Dansker & Aspromonte Associates LLP has been advocating for the rights of the injured since 1986. We have the tools, resources, knowledge, and commitment to get you the best possible outcome.

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Our team is committed to always being able to provide you with updates on your case and answers to your questions. This is your case and we want to be sure you are confident every step of the way.

Small Firm Dedication & Focus

Our firm is different from most firms in our area in that we are a “boutique” type firm that is small enough to give personal attention to our clients and yet experienced and powerful with a reputation as a hard-hitting litigation firm.

Innovative Legal Strategies

Each client that comes to our team gets a managing partner and trial partner dedicated to their case. We put our collective 100 years of experience behind your case to obtain the best possible outcome on your behalf.