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Bicycle Safety in the Big City – Avoiding Accidents

By Dansker & Aspromonte

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Bicycling in a big city can be a big challenge. However, more and more people are opting for urban cycling as a means of transportation instead of driving motor vehicles. Between 2001 and 2009, the number of bicycle trips in the United States increased from 1.7 billion to 4 billion. This is more than twice the number of trips measured at baseline. For teenagers and children, cycling is preferable to other forms of transport. Therefore, it is no surprise that more cities are installing new infrastructure to allow people who prefer to cycle to work and other places transported safely and conveniently. Urban cycling is great, but if you do not know the ways to stay safe while crossing the great city bike could be at risk of being involved in an accident. So, how can you avoid accidents when riding a bicycle in the city?

Follow the traffic regulations

It may be that every so often observe a cyclist circulating in the opposite direction of traffic flow. This practice is not good and neither is allowed. The same laws that apply to vehicles traveling on roads apply to bicycles. What this means is that if the vehicles are required to stop at a stop sign and red light, you should also do the cycling.

If there are assigned lanes for bicycle traffic please use them instead of circulating alongside the vehicles. Be even more careful if transporting a child on his bicycle. Also, be familiar with the rules for cycling in the city where you are. I could easily get to be in a criminalized for using his bicycle in areas where city laws explicitly define the use of it as a crime situation.

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Always bring your safety equipment

Each time you ride your bike be sure to use your safety equipment. In addition to preventing that is involved in an accident, the team could effectively protect you if it should occur. Your security team should include a helmet; a bell or horn; red rear light and white front light; brakes in good working order; and reflectors.

Practice good habits

Just as it is important to practice good habits when driving a motor vehicle, it is good to define a code of conduct to cycling, especially in high-traffic streets. Some of these habits might seem insignificant. However, they are helpful to make sure you are visible to other road users such as drivers and pedestrians. Here are some good habits that can help you stay safe when riding a bicycle and steer clear of bicycle accidents.

Drive in a predictable way – if other road users can not predict where it will be in the next five seconds, they can not make the decisions they need to make sure not to cross your path while riding a bicycle. It is best to circulate straight.

Avoid blind spots for drivers – Take time to learn about the common blind spots for drivers and strive to stay out of them.

Do not use your phone – That call or text message can wait. You can return your call then whoever is calling while you go on your bike. Also, do not use your headphones; they could prevent events that take place heard around while transiting the route.  If you are injured, speak with a NYC Bicycle Injury Lawyer.

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