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Keeping Your Child Safe During the Holidays

By Dansker & Aspromonte

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The holidays are here, and that means it’s time to celebrate! However, if you have young children in the house, it’s essential to take some extra precautions to keep them safe. From child-safe décor to winter weather gear, here are a few things to keep in mind in order to make your holidays merry and bright for everyone.

1. Winter Clothing and Footwear

It is important to ensure that your child wears safe and appropriate footwear when going outside during the colder winter months. Snow and ice covered streets and walkways can present dangerous conditions that lead to slips and falls.

2. Safe Driving Habits

If you plan to drive to visit family and friends during the holidays, remember that car accidents on snow and ice covered roadways are statistically more common during the holiday months. Make sure that in your rush to visit family and friends, you take extra time to place your child in a properly fitted and secured child seat and never let your child drive in a vehicle being driven by a family member or friend who has been drinking alcohol.

3. Child-Safe Decorations

If you have a Christmas tree in your home, place it in an area where your child cannot pull on it or knock it over. Tinsel and glass ornaments can also be dangerous for children if they break or ingest them. Data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) shows that the younger a child is, the more frequently they are injured in either decoration setup or takedown (with more being injured during setup). It is also important to be careful with candles and make sure they are placed in areas where children cannot reach them or blow them out.

4. Overuse of Outlets

With all the holiday lights and decorations, there is a temptation to utilize as many outlets as possible. This can be dangerous as it can cause electrical fires. According to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH), unintentional exposure to fire or flame is in the top three leading causes of injury-related death for children ages 1-14. Many landlords fail to provide tenants with sufficient electrical outlets which lead to overuse and the necessity of using dangerous extension cords. Space heaters are especially common during the winter months. It is important to use surge protectors and only plug in as many items as the surge protector can handle. If you are using extension cords, check that they are not frayed or damaged in any way. Extension cords must never be used with space heaters since they are a common cause of fire in New York City.

How Dansker & Aspromonte Associates LLP Can Help Protect You and Your Child’s Rights

At Dansker & Aspromonte Associates LLP, we understand that no amount of money can ever fully make up for the injuries your child has suffered. However, we believe that those who are responsible for causing those injuries should be held accountable. We will work tirelessly to help you obtain the compensation you deserve so that you can focus on your child’s recovery. We have a proven track record of success in cases like yours, and we will put our experience to work for you.

If your child suffered injuries due to the negligence of someone else, call us today at (212) 732-2929 or fill out our form online for a free consultation.

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