Brain Injuries

How do you know if a head injury is serious? You should contact your doctor if you experience anything worse than a light bump on the head. If you remain alert, able to respond, can move normally, and aren’t displaying symptoms of brain trauma than your injury is likely not serious. However, a severe enough […]
The Best Ways for Staying Healthy in a Nursing Home
As we begin to age, the importance of taking care of ourselves and maintaining a healthy lifestyle both increase. This leaves many senior citizens turning to nursing homes to help them manage their health. It also provides senior citizens with activities and social events to keep them engaged and loving their healthy life. That is […]
Differences in Back Pain

Back pain is a very real hurdle that many people face. It can range from a constant dull ache to a debilitating pain that makes it difficult to perform daily functions and responsibilities. Anyone at any age can experience back pain, factors that impact your chances are age, weight, physical activities, smoking, and pre-existing conditions […]
New York City Parks and Recreation

New York City is unlike any other city in the world. It is a buzzing metropolis with the greatest pizza and bagels you have ever tasted. Celebrities, world leaders, and tourist flock here to absorb the vibrant energy and partake in the unmatched nightlife. Although it is widely considered the urban mecca of the United […]
Basic Information About Medical Malpractice
Whether you have suffered due to a surgical error, emergency room error, misdiagnosis or any other form of medical negligence, it is important to have an experienced medical negligence attorney on your side. Individuals who have suffered from medical malpractice, due to misdiagnosis, surgical error, ER error or other forms of negligence while under medical […]
The Legal Process – Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

Accident and personal injury lawsuits can take many forms, but the basic steps of the legal process generally remain the same. Personal injury cases are complicated, and while an experienced attorney can help you navigate the process, by better understanding the procedures involved you can feel more in control of your personal injury claim. Personal […]
New York City Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer – Texting & Driving Statistics

Written by Carey Davis Texting has become an integral part of day-to-day life in the United States, especially for younger generations. More than 150 billion text messages are sent each month, ranging from a quick piece of information like “the meeting is at 3” to in-depth conversations. Unfortunately, this convenient technology has a dark side. […]
Learn the Signs and Common Symptoms of Head Trauma

Head trauma is one of the most serious injuries a person can incur. Left unchecked, head trauma can lead to permanent brain damage or even death. Traumatic brain injuries often occur from accidents, including car crashes, bicycle accidents, and construction accidents. If you or a loved one has suffered from head trauma, you may need […]
NYPD Injury

While most city workers in New York City cannot sue their employers for injuries they have suffered on the job, this is not the case with New York City police officers. Because the city of New York opted out of the workers’ compensation system, members of the NYPD can sue their employer for negligence in […]
Auto Accidents – Most Dangerous Roads in the USA

Millions of people travel along U.S. roadways every day. Whether it’s a commute to work or a trip to the grocery store, driving is heavily embedded in our culture. The necessity of travel has paved the way for innovation in safety and global conservation. Seatbelts are required by law in most states and groundbreaking moves […]