New York Personal Injury Lawyers

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Trial in New York Bus Crash Case Highlights Victims’ Rights

New Yorkers are used to relying on different forms of alternative transportation. For trips close to home, they take the subway, a taxi or a city bus. For longer trips outside of the city, many choose trains or commercial bus services. Unfortunately, those bus rides are not always as safe as they should be. Over […]

NYC Citi Bike Share Program Leads to Bike Safety Debate

New York City’s crowded streets are about to gain some additional traffic – not from taxis or other motor vehicles as you might expect, but in the form of up to 10,000 bicycles that will be a part of the Citi Bike share program. The program has raised some eyebrows, as New York residents wonder […]

Traumatic Brain Injuries: Impact on Relationships Can Be Profound

When someone suffers a serious brain injury, the effect on his or her personal relationships can be profound. New York City brain injury attorneys are keenly aware of this. Last winter, the New York Times published an article entitled “When Injuries to the Brain Tear at Hearts.” The piece outlined some of the challenges facing couples […]

Police Officer Hurt While Saving Man on Subway Tracks

New York police officers put themselves in the line of danger every day to protect the city’s citizens. This includes not only a risk of violence, but also of workplace accidents. For example, an NYPD officer fell on the subway tracks at Times Square while trying to rescue a man picking up trash on the tracks. […]

Businesses get extra time to file workers’ comp claims after Sandy

Super storm Sandy will not be easily forgotten in the areas affected-especially those counties that were declared disaster zones, such as Richmond County, the county encompassing Staten Island, as well as Orange, Rockland, and Westchester counties. In these areas, residents and businesses are still trying to recover and rebuild, as any NYC workplaces injury attorney knows. Governor […]

Doctor’s relationship with patient leads to medical malpractice

The term “medical malpractice” usually brings to mind doctor or hospital negligence, errors in treatment, anesthesia or surgery, or some element of worsened medical condition. A key aspect of the legal concept is injury to the patient, and that injury is often physical. However, the scope of medical malpractice may be broader in certain circumstances. The New […]

Faulty Security Can Be Grounds for Premises Liability Lawsuit

Landlords can be held accountable when their failure to keep their property safe causes someone to be injured. There is no more vivid example of this than allowing an apartment building to become so unsafe that a tenant is subjected to a sexual assault there. Legally, the type of liability involved is usually called negligent security. […]

Latest New York Tour Bus Accident Is Part of Disturbing Pattern

Fortunately, last week’s crash of a casino bus returning to New York City from Connecticut wasn’t “déjà vu all over again.” No one was killed – though dozens were injured – when an overnight tour bus collided with the center guardrail on I-95 in New Rochelle in the early hours of July 4. This, at […]

Falling Air Conditioners Pose Danger Below

In one of the first episodes of the hit TV series “Mad Men,” a woman throws her newly acquired television set out of her high-rise apartment window. This impulsive act was also reckless, as the bulky device could have hit someone on the sidewalk below. Unfortunately, in today’s New York, bulky objects falling from buildings […]

New York Car Crash Kills Pedestrian; Suspect Released

Near midnight on a late summer evening in Brooklyn, a 40-year-old man was crossing a street, but never made it across. He was hit by a passing vehicle and thrown under a nearby parked car while the driver went on to allegedly strike six other vehicles and injure three other people. The victim was pronounced […]