New York Personal Injury Lawyers

Did a NYC dentist turn your smile into a frown?

Dental malpractice cases are not as uncommon as you might think. When seeking dental care, you expect procedures to be performed properly by an experienced dentist or dental hygienist. Unfortunately, sometimes a dentist can be negligent in their care and procedures, and you can be injured or face more dental damage. When this happens while […]

Who Pays The Medical Bills For a Child in a Bus Accident?

The safety of your children is of course a paramount concern, and when you allow your child to get on a school bus each morning, you are entrusting the care of your child to the school bus driver. Unfortunately, accidents do sometimes occur, and they may be due to the negligence of the bus driver […]

New Yorkers Have a Responsibility to Ensure Their Dogs Don’t Harm Anyone

New Yorkers love their dogs, and can be seen taking them everywhere throughout the city, from simply walking them along Manhattan’s streets, to taking them to parks for a good run, and even letting them enjoy some treats at dog-friendly bars and restaurants. But not every dog in NYC is a friendly dog, and the […]

New York Pedestrians at Risk of Injury

As spring approaches, the weather warms and the days grow longer, more pedestrians and bicyclists take to New York streets. For most New Yorkers, getting out and walking is healthy and invigorating. However, for a surprising number, walking turns out to be hazardous. Pedestrians may be injured in a variety of ways, ranging from slipping […]

A Beginner’s Guide to NYC Transportation

New Yorkers have a reputation to be aggressive, “take no prisoners” attitude drivers. Think of the movie Taxi Driver, or any movie for that matter that shows tourists trying to navigate the populated city blocks. Yellow taxi cabs are synonymous with the big apple, these days however there are as many transportation options as there […]

Choosing the Right New York Personal Injury Lawyers

When you’ve been injured in an accident, have lost a loved one due to someone else’s negligence or find yourself the victim of New York dental malpractice or medical malpractice, finding the right attorneys matters. Unfortunately, many people don’t know what to look for in a lawyer. In addition, making good, reasoned decisions can be […]

Why You Should Never Text and Drive

According to available statistics, 3,328 people died in the United States in 2012 after being involved in car accidents that were caused by distracted driving. Since 2012, the number of injuries as a result of distracted driving accidents has drastically increased. Texting while driving is one of the distractions drivers contend with. As people become more dependent […]

When is a New York School Liable for Injury to a Child?

Accidents happen, and children may be particularly accident-prone as they run, play, climb, roughhouse, and generally take chances that most adults don’t encounter in everyday life. Still, when you entrust your child to an institution and the adults who staff it, you have a right to expect that reasonable precautions will be taken to keep […]

New York Law Protects Police Officers Injured in the Line of Duty

Safeguarding the public is a dangerous job, and law enforcement officers are sometimes injured or killed on the job. The NYPD has lost more officers in the line of duty than any other police department in the United States. While that’s partially due to the tremendous losses on September 11, the 72 officers killed that […]