New York Personal Injury Lawyers

False Imprisonment

Your civil rights are violated when you are falsely imprisoned. It can lead to emotional and physical trauma, and in some cases it could cause you to lose years of your life. When you are falsely imprisoned or arrested, have been subject to police brutality or had your rights violated in another way, you could […]

The Other Distracted Driving – Commuter Coffee and Car Accidents

Distracted driving is a topic of serious and widespread concern. Public information campaigns abound to discourage texting, emailing, playing games on a mobile device, or talking on a cell phone while driving. In most states, including New York, some or all of these activities are illegal. However, statutes and ordinances tend to focus on the use […]

FAQs About Premises Liability

Q: What is premises liability? A: Premises liability is an area of law that governs the duties of property owners and occupiers, protecting entrants from harmful conditions or defects on the property. Q: What is a licensee? A: A licensee is an individual who goes onto a property with the expressed or implied permission of […]

News From the Offices of Dansker & Aspromonte Associates LLP

May 1, 2013 – Brooklyn Jury Awards 13 Year Old Student $6.6 Million Dollars A Brooklyn jury awarded $6.6 Million dollars to a 13 year old 7th Grade student who was severely injured while a passenger in a vehicle which was struck in the rear by a speeding ambulance on April 30, 2006. At the time of the […]

Most Common Traumatic Brain Injuries Seen in Automobile Accidents

Car Crash Victim Head Injury

By Dansker & AspromonteJanuary 25, 2016 What is a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)? Living brain tissue is damaged by an external force or motion usually accompanied by an unconscious state, amnesia or a coma. These states of altered consciousness can last shorter (minutes, days), or longer terms (weeks, months or indefinitely). Side effects of TBIs can […]

Personal Injury Law: Do You Have a Case?

By Dansker & AspromonteFebruary 14, 2016 After any type of an injury, there is often someone, or something, to blame. Some injuries are purely accidental, where no one is really to blame, but the vast majority are due to someone’s negligence at some level. So what are you to do if you ended up injured to […]

What to Do If You Are a NYC Pedestrian/Bicyclist Injured In a Hit and Run

By Dansker & AspromonteMarch 20, 2016 Pedestrians, bicyclists, and cars on the road are everyday facts of life, and sometimes one, or more are not aware of the other and an accident happens. In NYC, pedestrians and bicyclists are struck by cars and injured, or killed every year. At times drivers who hit pedestrians/bicyclists drive away […]

Can you sue a school for a child’s injury, even if you signed a liability waiver?

When your child is in school, you are trusting teachers, school staff and administrators to ensure that your child is safe. Often, schools require parents to sign liability waivers absolving them of any liability should your child be injured while on a field trip or perhaps while playing school sports. However, such a waiver doesn’t […]

How Much Time Do I Have to Start a Lawsuit?

By Dansker & AspromonteJune 10, 2016 Many people ask, how much time do they have to start a lawsuit when they have been injured in an accident or as the result of medical malpractice? First of all, if you are injured in an accident, you must first seek medical attention. After that, you should call a […]